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2 Ways High Pressure is Changing the Pharmaceutical Industry
2 Ways High Pressure Pasteurization is Utilized in the Food Industry
Particle size reduction equipment: is the microemulsion the drug delivery vehicle of the future?
Cell lysis equipment: thinking ahead
Cell Rupture | Cell Disruption | Cell Lysis Methods
Identifying Different Types of Contaminant in Life Science Laboratories
Cell Lysis Snapshot: Alkaline Lysis
Cell Lysis Snapshot: Sonication
An Overview of Mechanical Methods of Cell Disruption
An Overview of Non-Mechanical Methods of Cell Disruption
A Look at Different Types of Cell Walls
3 Best Practices for Preventing Contamination in Life Science Laboratories
What to Consider in Designing a Protein Purification Buffer
An Overview of Subcellular Fractionation
A Look at 4 Common Downstream Applications Following Cell Lysis
7 Cell Lysis Method Factors to Consider
A Look at 3 Liquid Homogenization Methods of Cell Lysis
Key Benefits of Particle Size Reduction: Part 1
How Drug Manufacturers are Using Pharmaceutical Nanoemulsions to Fight the Obesity Epidemic
Key Factors to Consider when Choosing Particle Size Reduction Equipment
3 Steps in Preparing Beverage Emulsion
Key Benefits of Particle Size Reduction: Part 2
4 Key Benefits of Fine Tuning the Particle Size Reduction Mixing Process
The Basics of Nanoemulsions
An Overview of Colloidal Drug Carrier Systems: Part 1
Particle Size Reduction & Distribution in the Ceramics Industry
An Overview of Colloidal Drug Carrier Systems: Part 2
An Overview of Colloidal Drug Carrier Systems: Part 3
An Overview of Colloidal Drug Carrier Systems: Part 4
Homogenization Application: Vaccine Adjuvants
4 Key Benefits of Reliable High Pressure Homogenization
Pharmaceutical Creams: Water or Oil Emulsion?
4 Roadblocks to Successful Nutraceutical Production & Sales
Don’t Waste Time! 5 Ways to Optimize your Mixing Process
Consistent Particle Size Distribution: What is its Importance?
Pharmaceutical R&D: 4 Powerful Ways to Reduce Cost
Pharmaceutical Clinical Trials: Demystifying the Process
How to Approach the Pharmaceutical Drug Manufacturing Process
All You Need to Know About Tablet Coating Composition
4 Things to Ask Yourself Before Selecting a High Pressure Homogenizer
Sanitary Homogenization: An Overview of Pharmaceutical Standards
The ABCs of Local VS Systemic Steroids
Pasteurization vs Homogenization: Appropriate Uses & Misconceptions
3 Reasons Your Lab Needs An Industrial Homogenizer
Pharmaceutical Products: From Lab Bench to Medicine Cabinet
A Complete Guide to E. coli Homogenization
4 Benefits of High Pressure Pasteurization in Beverage Preparation
How to Select Your Perfect Laboratory Homogenizers
Should the Cell Type Affect Your Lysis Method?
3 Tips for Cost Effective Particle Size Reduction
Pharmaceutical Processing Equipment: What Your R&D Lab Needs
Cell Lysis Scalability: What You Need To Know
How Homogenization Can Improve Your Cosmetic Product
3 Advantages of Sugar Spheres In Pharmaceutical Tablets
Cell Disruption of Yeast & Fungus: Why Homogenize?
How A Homogenizer Will Benefit Your Chemical Process
Carbon Nanotube Dispersions: 3 Reasons To Homogenize
How Nanoparticles Can Improve Chemotherapy Treatment
Advantages of Cell Disruption for Algae-Based Biofuel
3 Important Reasons To Use High Pressure Pasteurization
4 Factors That Affect Inhalant Drug Delivery
4 Forces Your Particle Size Reduction Equipment Needs
3 Factors That Will Affect Your Cell Lysate Quality
Are Microemulsions The Drug Delivery System For You?
Particle Size Reduction: Which Of My Chemical Products Will Benefit?
How To Select A Homogenizer For Pharmaceutical Use
4 Advantages Of Using Emulsions In Pharmaceutical Creams
How to Scale Your Cell Lysis Technique
Anesthetics & Emulsions: A Mutualistic Relationship
3 Reasons Your Cell Lysis Equipment Should Be Flexible
Beverage Emulsions: Benefits of Small Droplet Size
3 Reducible Costs of Chemical Particle Size Reduction
How High Pressure Homogenizers Benefit Pharmaceutical Products
How BEE’s Emulsifying Cell Revolutionized the Homogenizer
3 Ways Particle Size Reduction Can Improve Health Status
3 Things To Look For In Particle Size Reduction Equipment
How High Pressure Homogenization Creates Stable Emulsions
The Benefits of a Laboratory Homogenizer For Cell Lysis
How Industrial Homogenizers Maximize Efficiency for Micro & Nano Emulsions
4 Roadblocks From Pharmaceutical R&D To Production
How To Get The Highest Cell Rupture Yield In Less Time
The Benefits of a Laboratory Homogenizer For Particle Size Reduction
Why a High Pressure Homogenizer is the Ultimate Lab Tool for Emulsions
How Custom Homogenizer Options Can Optimize Particle Size Reduction
What To Look For In A Homogenizer Manufacturer
Why Scalability Matters In Selecting A Pharmaceutical Homogenizer
3 Benefits of High Pressure Homogenization for Nanoparticles
Advantages of High Pressure Homogenization For Biotechnology
How Custom Homogenizer Options Can Optimize Cell Lysis
What’s the Difference Between Emulsions and Dispersions?
How to Reduce Cost of Manufacturing with High Pressure Homogenizers
Why Size Reduction An Important Step In Pharmaceutical Formulations
How High Pressure Homogenizers Benefit the Food Industry
Why Pion's BEE brand High Pressure Homogenizers Yield Better Results Than High Shear Mixers
Why Homogenizers Are a Necessity for Chemical Industry Applications
Biotechnology Applications for High Pressure Homogenization
3 Medical Applications for Laboratory Homogenizers
3 Critical Uses for Homogenizers in the Pharmaceutical Industry
3 Key Considerations for Mammalian Cell Rupture
3 Useful Applications for Industrial Homogenizers
Resource Sitemap
Study of In Vitro and In Vivo Carbamazepine Release from Coarse and Nanometric Pharmaceutical Emulsions Obtained via Ultra-High-Pressure Homogenization
WEBINAR: Log P- History, Measurement and Applications in Drug Development
Video: Use of Flux Measurements in Lieu of In Vitro Dissolution to Assess the Complex Interplay Between Solubility, Permeability and Formulation Effects
Webinar: AuPRO™ Version 6.0: New Powerful Tools for Pion’s Fiber Optic Users
WEBINAR: Accessing hydrogen bond parameters and their application in drug discovery
Pion SDi2 and Raman spectroscopy - study of diclofenac sodium salt
WEBINAR: In vitro measurement of drug bioavailability following subcutaneous injection
AN02 PKa measurements in 15 minutes - the SiriusT3 Fast UV pKa method
The Determination of Solubility - Pion CheqSol Explained
Solubility Measurement
A novel in vitro method to model the fate of subcutaneously administered biopharmaceuticals and associated formulation components
Miniaturized Intrinsic Dissolution Rate (Mini-IDR™) Measurement of Griseofulvin and Carbamazepine
In situ fiber optic dissolution monitoring of vitamin B12 solid dosage formulation
Investigation of the Efficacy of Transdermal Penetration Enhancers Through the Use of Human Skin and a Skin Mimic Artificial Membrane
P-Glycoprotein Deficient Mouse in situ Blood-Brain Barrier Permeability and its Prediction using an in combo PAMPA Model
Validation of pH-Metric Technique for Measurement of pKa and logPow of Ionizable Herbicides
Potentiometric pKa determination of water-insoluble compounds. Validation study in methanol/water mixtures
pH electrode performance under automated management conditions
Correlation of human jejunal permeability (in vivo) of drugs with experimentally and theoretically derived parameters. A multivariate data analysis approach
Multiwavelength spectrophotometric determination of acid dissociation constants of ionisable drugs
Considerations on the potentiometric logP determination
pH-metric logP 10. Determination of liposomal membrane-water partition coefficients of ionizable drugs
Mechanisms of liposomes/water partitioning pf (p-methylbenzyl) alkylamines
A modification of the Hammett equation for predicting ionization constants of p-vinyl phenols.
Direct imaging of the dissolution of salt forms of a carboxylic acid drug
Permeability through DOPC/dodecane membranes: measurement and LFER modelling
In vitro model for predicting bioavailability of subcutaneously injected monoclonal antibodies
Ranking Itraconazole Formulations Based on the Flux through Artificial Lipophilic Membrane
Using pH Gradient Dissolution with In-Situ Flux Measurement to Evaluate Bioavailability and DDI for Formulated Poorly Soluble Drug Products
Miniaturization of Powder Dissolution Measurement and Estimation of Particle Size
A comparison of the in vitro permeation of niacinamide in mammalian skin and in the Parallel Artificial Membrane Permeation Assay (PAMPA) model
Glatiramer acetate persists at the injection site and draining lymph nodes via electrostatically-induced aggregation
AN15 Determination of pKa Measurement or Prediction?
AN12 Introduction to logP and logD Measurement Using SiriusT3
AN10 Measuring LogP of Samples that are Hard to Dissolve in Water and Octanol
AN410 Measuring the isoelectric point pf peptides by potentiometric titration
AN11 Evaluating Solid Dispersion using Small-Scale Dissolution Testing
AN14 Using NaOH and NaCL instead of KOM and KCI
AN01 High quality measurements for small sample amounts
AN05 Measurement of extreme pKas
AN03 Blank Titrations Using the SiriusT3
AN04 Insights into BCS classification using Pion assays
AN07 the Pion GI Dissolution Assay
AN501 A novel in vitro model for subcutaneous injection
Differentiating Itraconazole Formulations Based on the Flux through Artificial Lipophilic Membrane
In vitro study of subcutaneous injection of two insulin formulations
Degree and Extent of Supersaturation of Amorphous Pharmaceuticals and Their Flux through Lipophilic Membrane
Investigation of subcutaneous monoclonal antibody formulations
Application of MacroFLUX™ Apparatus for Screening Formulations before Bioequivalence Studies
Using Integrated Absorption Chamber with USP II Dissolution Apparatus to Predict Risk of Drug‐Drug Interaction from pH‐Modifying Agents: Application Notes
Understanding drug release mechanisms from diclofenac tablets using the SDi2
Using SDi2 to characterise swelling and drug release profiles
FLUX Measurements using Pion µFLUX™ and MacroFLUX™ Devices
Studying transdermal patches using Skin PAMPA
Studying semi-solid formulations of diclofenac using Skin PAMPA
Estimating Food Effect on Drug Absorption using Flux Experiments through Artificial Lipophilic Membranes
Validation of the SDi2 intrinsic dissolution rate measurement
Measuring Solubility of Nanoparticles by Zero Intercept Method
Study of Danazol Cocrystal using Trans-membrane Flux Measurements
Analytical Services Brochure
µFLUX Brochure
Accessories Mesh Brochure
SDi2 Brochure
Accessories 30 Degrees Brochure
Rainbow Brochure
Determination of hydrogen bonding properties using logP
The impact of cosolvent on measured log P values
Acid‐base titrations of proteins in small volumes
AAPS Advanced imaging, detection and prediction of initial gel formation and swelling of hypromellose compacts
AAPS2017 T5029 Particle Sizing
Detection of poor acid resistance of enteric coats using the SDI
Investigating the driving force of membrane transport of carvedilol from supersaturated solutions achieved by ...
Surface tension and supersaturation
Measuring the isoelectric point of peptides by potentiometric titration
Effects of solubility enhancing excipients
Evaluation of in vitro tests to reduce animal testing in drug toxicology studies
Measuring pKa values in 2-propanol to gain process understanding
MacroFLUX Generics
Ionization Constants of Isoniazid and Benzimidazole
4‐case chart to classify supersaturation and precipitation behavior
Subcutaneously administered biopharmaceuticals
Faster Dissolution Methods of Pharmaceutical salts
The effect of dissolution media, torque and flow speed
pH-metric titration to characterize aci-nitro tautomerism
Low Volume Dissolution Assays
Supersaturation time with CheqSol using different excipients
AAPS 2017 Flo-Vitro poster KBox
AAPS 2017 Supersaturation excipients poster KBox
AAPS Understanding drug release mechanisms of metformin using complementary in vitro dissolution tools
Visualising the release patterns of promethazine across microparticulate systems
AAPS 2017 Supersaturation modelling poster KBox
Dissolution & precipitation studies of carbamazepine cocrystals with small scale assays
Biphasic dissolution studies of Felodipine
Dissolution of a drug in the presence of additives and biorelevant media
Biorelevant dissolution - the quest for simple in-vitro experiments
Dissolution in presence of lipid to mimic absorption
Dissolution Experiments in Lipid Layers
Small scale assays for studying dissolution of cocrystals
Use of SDI to assess dissolution characteristics - John Comer (Pion)
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