Conserving biorelevant enzymatic activity during in vitro subcutaneous drug testing

Application Notes
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Explore in vitro subcutaneous drug testing techniques that preserve biorelevant enzymatic activity for effective in situ drug analysis.
Application Notes
We aim to advance preclinical research by improving in vitro-in vivo relationships(IVIVRs). Traditional in vitro methods often fall short of replicating the complexity of in vivo environments, especially for injectables, where the absence of key biomolecules at the injection site limits predictive accuracy. In this application note, we explain how we successfully integrated active enzymes into our in vitro analysis technique – the SCISSOR, enabling us to investigate pharmaceuticals that undergo enzyme-mediated transformations in vivo.
Application Notes

Application Notes
Conserving biorelevant enzymatic activity during in vitro subcutaneous drug testing
Barriers and solutions for mimicking an in vivo extracellular environment with in vitro tools