Cell lysis (also called cell disruption) is a critical part of many laboratory and manufacturing processes. It is the method by which a cell wall or cell membrane is broken so that the cell’s intracellular contents are released. The objective of any cell disruption procedure is to get as much viable material (molecules and other particles of interest) from the cellular fluid so that it can be studied and/or used for other purposes.
There are several tools that help facilitate cell disruption, including ultrasonication, mechanical grinding, freeze-thawing, osmotic shock and more; however, homogenization is the only cell disruption method that is efficient for the widest range of applications.
What is Pion's BEE Brand Homogenization Technology?
BEE International are experts in high pressure homogenization, which is used to break particles apart and to facilitate cell lysis. Specifically, it involves the use of fluid pressure to force a sample — in this case, any type of cell — through a narrow passage of different-sized orifices. As the cell traverses the system, it is acted upon by a variety of additional forces depending on the velocity of the fluid’s flow (which can be manipulated for any type of cellular material, whether it’s plant or animal, algae, bacteria, fungi, etc.). Thus, upon exit from the homogenizing system, each cell has experienced a customizable combination of forces (pressure, turbulence, shear, cavitation, impact and intensity) that has effectively broken it apart and released its intracellular contents in good form.
What Makes Pion's BEE Brand Homogenization Technology So Efficient for Cell Disruption?
Pion's technology works so well for cell disruption because:
It utilizes a customizable combination of forces that reduces the need for other equipment and steps.
Pion technology supplies constant pressure so that every cell that passes through the pumping system experiences the same combination of shear, cavitation and/or impact forces, which results in reliable, consistent results each and every time. Hard plant cell membranes that are difficult to rupture can be exposed to greater pressure and more force, while animal cells that are often fragile can be treated more gently. This allows manufacturers and scientists to use the same piece of equipment with a greater variety of cell samples.
It is an in-line process
In-line processing is not only more consistent but also saves time, thereby reducing manufacturing costs.
It delivers results that are easily repeatable and scalable regardless of volume.
Homogenization technology delivers reliable scale up from the lab to production due to several key features. In addition to having a customizable PLC panel that controls the level of pressure, temperature and other forces used during any one run, BEE homogenizers utilize extremely powerful motors that convert hydraulic power through high pressure cylinders and make it possible to process reliable results no matter the original sample size or volume.
It preserves valuable intracellular contents.
Oftentimes, chemicals or enzymes in the form of detergents and chaotropic agents are used for cell disruption (particularly when extracting proteins), but these chemicals can denature sensitive proteins and/or require removal before the proteins can be used. Homogenization, however, requires no chemical additives; it also generates little heat, which can similarly alter the integrity of intracellular contents. By eliminating the need for chemical detergents and reducing the potential of other harmful by-products (like heat and too much rigor), microfluidization ensures that cell lysis always results in a usable biological sample that most represents its natural form.
The Pion Advantage
While Pion's BEE brand high pressure homogenizers provide a technology edge for cell lysis, we understand successful manufacturing requires ease of use, reliability and excellent customer service. In short, our homogenizers save our clients money and a lot of time! To learn more about how high pressure/microfluidizer technology works and the specific benefits it can offer you, please contact us.