An article in the AAPS Journal entitled, “Flux-Based Formulation Development – A Proof of Concept Study,” describes a drug development approach, Absorption Driven Drug Formulation (ADDF,) where not only are dissolution and solubility considered during amorphous solid dispersions (ASDs) oral solid dose formulation, but permeation is also considered.
The researchers integrated PAMPA and flux experiments into their protocols and concluded,
“The presented case study showed that the testing of permeability in every step of the development process opens a new perspective of excipient selection and testing of formulations before bioequivalence studies is [sic] conducted.
The ADDF concept utilizes fast and cost-effective screening methods and therefore may be a helpful new tool for generic drug developers to meet the bioequivalence criteria.”
Pion offers a range of products to assist drug formulators in their efforts, from our fiber-optic, in situ Rainbow UV-vis concentration monitor to our small volume dissolution systems, PAMPA plates, and flux apparatuses. When used in concert, these tools can assist drug formulators in taking a rational, in vitro approach to rank ordering drug candidates to help optimize ultimate in vivo performance.
Contact us to learn more.