
Using Integrated Absorption Chamber with USP II Dissolution Apparatus to Predict Risk of Drug‐Drug Interaction from pH‐Modifying Agents: Application Notes

Using Integrated Absorption Chamber with USP II Dissolution Apparatus to Predict Risk of Drug‐Drug Interaction from pH‐Modifying Agents: Application Notes

Application Notes

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An absorption chamber combined with USP I and II dissolution apparatus can be used to study similar drug‐drug interactions (DDI) of the final dosage forms
Using Integrated Absorption Chamber with USP II Dissolution Apparatus to Predict Risk of Drug‐Drug Interaction from pH‐Modifying Agents: Application Notes

Application Notes

It has been shown that a miniaturized two‐stage in vitro dissolution test can be used to understand why some low‐soluble weak basic drugs show reduced or highly variable absorption when co‐administered with pH‐modifying agents. The goal of this study was to demonstrate that an absorption chamber combined with USP I and II dissolution apparatus can be used to study similar drug‐drug interactions (DDI) of the final dosage forms.

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