miniDISS Profiler
Rainbow R6 miniDISS Profiler Configuration

Rainbow R6 miniDISS Profiler Configuration
Rainbow in situ Fiber Optic UV monitoring system.
Designed for biorelevant media volumes from 100-250mL.
Ideal for measuring high-potency API or when low concentrations are expected.
miniDISS Profiler
- Formulation development
- Oral dosage form dissolution for sink and non-sink conditions
- Pediatric drug products development
- High potency drug products testing

- Flexibility in small volume testing
- Eliminates time-consuming swap out and revalidation requirements when switching from large to small volumes
- Eight-position stirring system with interchangeable 100 ml, 150 ml or 200 ml standard vessels or 250 ml Chinese Pharmacopiea vessels
- Industry standard Rainbow technology
- Data collection of the full UV Spectra (200 - 720 nm) as fast as every two seconds
- Dip-Style Fiber Optic Probes with interchangeable path length tips